Atoti Community

Nordic Capital, a leading sector-specialist private equity investor, has made a majority investment in ActiveViam | READ MORE

Insights. Ignited.

Atoti is a Data Analytics platform with a best-in-class calculation engine, a visualization suite and a real time OLAP cube, all rolled into one


Atoti highlights

Atoti bubble
Analyse with Atoti

Analyze a billion rows on your laptop and up to 10 terabytes in the cloud

Create what if with Atoti

Create multiple what-if scenarios without duplicating your data

Share results with Atoti

Integrate data in real time from multiple sources with continuous queries

Multi-dimensional analysis with Atoti

Explore across hundreds of dimensions in a responsive
OLAP cube

Vizualize Data with Atoti

Visualize data in interactive widgets without coding, from Jupyter notebook

Create what-if scenario with Atoti

Share results with peers and partners with Atoti’s dashboarding web application or Excel

Atoti bubble
Atoti Mechanism

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What users say:

Great python lib for exploratory data analysis, kinda your own small #Tableau right within #Jupyter notebook. Very serious backend behind, efficient RAM management
(in-memory cube).
Julien Laugel | Chief Data Scientist
Atoti Testimonials

Use cases

Atoti bubble
Atoti bubble
Hierarchy Fundamentals in Atoti
Learn how to create and manipulate hierarchies in Atoti to generate insights! Before talking about hierarchies, we...
Retail Banking Analytics with Atoti
Make smarter decisions by analyzing consumer credit cards and risk profiles. Retail banking, otherwise known as consumer...
Putting Python Code in Production
Python is great for research, but can you really use it for production quality projects? Python, once...

Atoti works with

Atoti leverages several technologies such as PythonJavaJavascript and uses PyPI and Conda for distribution.
It works with all major notebooks, with enhanced features for Jupyter and SageMaker.
Run it on your laptop, server or in any cloud environment.