
Contributing to Atoti notebook gallery

Hui Fang Yeo

Share your Atoti use case with our community

If you haven’t heard of Atoti, it is time to check it out! Atoti is a free Python BI analytics platform that allows users to translate their data into business KPIs and collaborate easily with others through the use of dashboards. Check out the Atoti notebook gallery for some amazing use cases. 

And while you are at the gallery, don’t forget to star it!

Community effort

It takes a village to raise a child. The same is true for our communities~ We welcome you to share your Atoti use case in our notebook gallery. Some use case ideas include financial topics like portfolio management, liquidity, PnL explained, climate risk, etc. Non-financial topics could include retail pricing strategy, climate change, etc. The sky’s the limit ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

In fact, let’s celebrate and thank some of our previous community contributors:

How to contribute to the Atoti notebook gallery

It’s easy as 1-2-3:

1. Fork the Atoti repository

2. Clone the repository to your local machine and start working on your use case! 

3. Commit and push your changes into your own repository. Don’t forget to check out the CONTRIBUTING.md for full details. Also, everyone likes clean and tidy code (´。• ᵕ •。`), so remember to prettify them before committing. 

💡I personally like to use the jupyterlab code formatter in JupyterLab to format my notebook as I code.

4. Perform a pull request from your repository

5. Monitor your pull request. 

A member of the Atoti team will perform a review and potentially leave comments. Also, verify that your pull request clears our GitHub Actions enabled checks. 

If testing failed, click on the Details button highlighted above to find out what went wrong.

If all is well, the Atoti team will squash and merge your request. Note, the Atoti team does reserve the right to reject or leave your pull request hanging 🙂  And, for the love of goodness, no intrusive topics!

What’s nice…

We believe in recognizing the effort of everyone who contributes to the community! Please remember to include a README.md with a short introduction to yourself and your use case, so our community can get to know you and your work better!

If you’re still unsure, need a nudge, or just want a virtual high five, reach out to the Atoti community team!

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